Saturday, December 30, 2006
i am very the confused...
yea..yea...go ahead..roll your eyes and think..oi vey..what else is new?...but tis true..i am truly confounded...and so i have buy myself a horse...and wonder of wonders..guess what i did?? i bought myself a horse...boxing day sale...70% all i have to figure out is whether they have a horse parking bay at my school..or whether they'll make one to accomodate Hoofy...dont ask...the name came with the horse...oh well..beggars cant be Hoofy it is...he is currently freezing his horsy butt off in my i care?...strangely yes..i am mildly concerned for the welfare of this quadraped...should i be concerned about my state of mind?to alleviate his incessant shivering..i am in the process of trying to convince my ancient neighbour to knit a cashmere sweater for Hoofy..yup..yup..for some reason..she thinks im mad...shes the deranged one...who happens to smell like boiled cabbage...she knits fugly sweaters for her cats..but she cant knit one for hoofy?...its dicrimination i tell ya...pure unfounded discrimination...shes specieist...its late...i will continue this insanity at a later date...adieu...and heres a HAPPY NEW YEAR to y'all..just in case i dont see y'all online in time to wish y'all...have blast in 2007!
the fairytaler at 1:51 AM
im bored..once guessed it...QUIZZES!!!
Dark Purple |
![]() |
there's more.....
Your Learning Style: Curious and Brilliant |
![]() You are a very abstract learner. You can grasp even the most complex theories. You Should Study: Astronomy Biology Chemistry Computer Science Linguistics Mathematics Philosophy Physics Psychology |
can we have a big BAHAHAHAHAHAHA...?
on we shall plow...
You Have Your Sarcastic Moments |
![]() While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge. In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead! And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in. Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious. | this has gotten me feeling im going to offer *gasp* *choke* an apology *gasp* *choke* very very very the sorry if i've ever hurt any one of y'all with my sometimes misdirected evilness...truly..i am..please dont go all sociopath-with-deep-rooted-issues-stemming-from-an-evil-friend's-stupid-comments-made-a-bajillion-years-ago...
enough of the on to more mind numbingly meaningless quiz results...they bring me joy in the most bizarre way..
You Are A Walnut Tree |
![]() You are strange and full of contrasts... the oddball of your group. You are unrelenting and you have unlimited ambition. Not always liked but always admired, you are more infamous than famous. You are aggressive and spontaneous, and your reactions are often unexpected. A jealous and passionate person, you are difficult in romantic relationships. |
the not always liked part...yup..yup..the admired part..a bit sketchy if you ask absolute faith in the accuracy of these quizzes is quickly fading...jealous..?says who? so selfless it kills me...most of the time..okay..maybe win..blasted conscience...never...okay..?are you happy now?
and on we go...
You Are Apple Red |
![]() You're never one to take life too seriously, and because of it, you're a ton of fun. And although you have a great sense of humor, you are never superficial. Deep and caring, you do like to get to the core of people - to understand them well. However, any probing you do is light hearted and fun, sometimes causing people to misjudge you. |
im a ton of fun...who knew?..yup..these quizzes are definitely beyond a doubt..flawed to heck and beyond...deep and caring...lets have another BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA here...for i am yeeeeeeeeeeeevvvviiiiiiiilll...yeeeeeevvviiiiiiilll i tell yoooooouuuuuuu.....
Your Aura is Violet |
![]() Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world. And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it! The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach |
now i know this is all a bunch of agonna raise yaks in mongolia...and we mongol yak herders have no need for such fancy shmancy stuff...pass the hay...
are y'all bored yet?cos i could do this all day...wheeeee...
You Have Good Karma |
![]() In general, you like to do the right thing when it comes to others. Your caring personality really shines through. Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out. But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots. |
flawed..i tell you..absolutely flawed...
but amusing on we go...
Your Personality Cluster is Introverted Thinking |
![]() You are: Objective, honest, and credible Intellectually curious, with many diverse interests More inclined toward ideas than people Fiercely independent and unapologetically unconventional |
maybe i'll take back some of the flawed part...not all..but some...
okay..fine...i know..this is sucky...i more k?..then im done...promise...and i also promise to get some help getting over this addiction...
You Are Lightning |
![]() Beautiful yet dangerous People will stop and watch you when you appear Even though you're capable of random violence You are best known for: your power Your dominant state: performing |
awww..lemme do one more...just one more...
Your Birthdate: April 23 |
![]() You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem. You're good at so much - you never know what to do. Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long. You are destined for a life of travel and fun. Your strength: Your likeability Your weakness: You never feel satisfied Your power color: Bright yellow Your power symbol: Asterisk Your power month: May |
ya la...i noe a flake..and im probably gonna end up a hobo..thanks for rubbing it in...
and it is on this bitter note that i conclude today's quiz result torture post...
the fairytaler at 12:53 AM
Friday, December 22, 2006 you've finally succeeded...
i hope you're happy you've won this stooopid dare...cos im mortified...and strangely fascinated with the insight...
the fairytaler at 11:43 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
i bid thee welcome...long lost amigos..i have been facing mortal peril as have y'all...i am happy to say that i escaped unscathed save for a few lost marbles here and is my sincerest hope that y'all survive this ordeal too...for only then can we descend upon the malls in one fell swoop come peak skin cancer season...i do believe that i have become quite unhinged...i will move away from this blindingly bright screen and proceed to read a tome in order to discover the intricacies of the insect respiration process...-ism -ism...-ology..-ology...regrowing one's brains is no mean my expertly brainless opinion..its quite impossible...oh well...can't say i didnt try..the fairytaler at 10:09 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
an ode to the blasted freezing wilderness that is canada...
first off...I HATE JUUU(read : you...that's how the shera punjab ppl here pronounce you...dont ask..)and now...i shall commence my ranting and raving...brace yourselves..gentle audience...
i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate...hmm..lemme see...EVERYTHING...why? because..everything seems to exist for the sole purpose of infuriating me and inconveniencing the course of my everyday life...take..the bus people for example..these people together with translink bc are conspiring to ruin my matter how early i get to the station..theyre 2 miunutes earlier than me...always..its like they're psychic...they then proceed to clog the escalator queue because they are ancient and do not understand simple escalator courtesy..stay on the right if u wanna stand there like a big immovable boulder...otherwise..keep on the left..and climb the bloody stairs...after that..when we finnaly get up to the godforsaken freezing open air platform...they jostle and shove in order to get right to the front so that they can have a snowball's chance in heck of getting a seat on the overcrowded sardine can-like train..when it finally arrives in all its tin-ny glory...once i survive through that ordeal...i have to get to skool..where life isnt really any better...because of the bus people...i get yelled at for being late to chem lab...then i have to set up all the apparatus by my vertically-challenged self...which is an amazing feat considering that the buret is almost as tall as i am...then i, like a hero attempt to pour in the bloody acid into the buret from the ground...and fail miserably..causing the acid to spill onto everything..including the lab report i stayed up late to finish..yes..i should just give up now and go raise yaks...oh..and heres the cherry on top of the melty sundae that is my life...i have a philosophy test today..and i have no idea what im going to be tested on...even if i wouldnt make much of a difference..cos my brain is too addled to coherently answer questions there you have misery a nutshell...
im going to go to wendy's to drown my sorrows in a frosty..maybe i'll get run over by a truck halfway...
the fairytaler at 12:33 PM
Thursday, September 28, 2006
the perils of Iced Cappucino...
seriously...whats not to like? first of gets to jostle in crowds like its the last day for diwali shopping in kl...then, while being smushed like the unfortunate sardine that you are, one gets to fully appreciate the diverse aromas that stem from the skunky B.O. of people who are such activists for the environment that they only take one bath a year...the more devoted ones limit their water consumption to only a bi-annual teeth-cleansing ritual...which really doesnt make much of a difference if you're going to drink icky instant coffee everyday and smoke like you just cant wait to die of lung cancer...once again..i reiterate...i hate those stinky smokealots....if you really have to inhale fumes that turn your already puny lil lungs black...arrange to have your mouth surgically attached to the exhaust pipe of a car...or alternatively...inhale your fumes and gulp them down....when you're done with the cigarette...swallow it...that way you can keep your nasty ass habit to yourself...okay..a little off track here with my ever raging tirade agianst smokers...where was i?? trains..yes...people seem to lose all common courtesy when it comes to their perennial rush to get a seat...people tend to become utter cows...COWS..I TELL calm..stay many holes are there in perforated ceiling tiles??hmm...i always start counting and then my teacher starts yelling and i lose track..then i have to start all over again...i want cake...maybe with bluberries...owh y'all know where i can get locusts?? i have a farm to kill...the original spring indicating groundhog its his cousin's uncle's son or something...i'm going to go bounce off the walls now...and maybe attempt to comprehend some calculus....or not...the fairytaler at 9:38 PM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
the silly moo goes on..
i used to be a generally articulate person...(i.e. once i got started, you wouldnt have been able to shut me up no matter how hard you tried...), either i've aged tremendously or i've become jaded...i'm beginning to develop a most unhealthy sense of else can i put it?? hatred..for almost everybody..people just seem to annoy me more these days...maybe im just a little uptight about school...maybe its beacuse i have no bloody idea of how to do bloody sodding oil immersion...maybe its because i cant understand the bleeding greatest integer function...maybe its because this is my 50th failed attempt at finishing one hundred years of solitude...or maybe..just maybe its cos im bloody fed up of being the overweight wallflower who is merely the provider of information and answers...maybe if you want answers you should go consult a freaking book..ever heard of it?...its just this little invention consisting of pieces of paper with words on them that are bound together...maybe i dont care anymore...maybe i need a break...maybe i am tired of understanding...maybe i need to shut up...maybe i'll actually start taking my own advice...maybe you're the worst thing to ever happen to my world since canned cabbage...thats dragging my tsunami-fied self off to go do something more productive than whining here and appealing to the sense of sympathy of others..maybe i'll go juggle swords or run into a minefield...lord knows i need a change of scenery...the fairytaler at 12:03 AM
Monday, September 11, 2006
just when you thought you're rid of me...
I'M BAAAAAACK!!! a little crazier than before..but a whole lot more hyper due to increased caffeine intake...yippeekaiyay!! in the midst of all this ADD...i must regretfully announce that i will soon perish....yes..yes... this is no cruel is reality...for i shall be buried alive under mounds and mounds of homework...which i foresee in the not-so-distant bloody bored...gonna die soon...boredom is a sodding this point ..i'd be content to watch grass grow...oi vey...i am ze very pathetic...shoot me now...the fairytaler at 9:42 AM