Sunday, January 29, 2006
happy chinese new year..mine's dull...hows urs?
hey..happy chinese new year y'all...and dont think y'all can skip my angpau jusz cos im not there...i expect all of my angpaus to be kept safely till my return...about the return...val, i dunno what the schedule is like..but i'll tell u as soon as i find out..rakel...u are not a failed plague..whenever you need a dose of killjoy-ness..send me an email...i'll send you a mean one rite back...btw, everyone here is a plague have kindred spirits..oh woe is me...i get to skool at 8...class at 8.15..during those blessed 15 minutes..i level best to take a nap so that i wont fall asleep and drool on my math textbook while my teacher goes on about x's and y's...but can some people bear to see me having a moment's peace??!! nooo....some people who get all bright eyed and bushy tailed in the wee hours of the morning that i wonder whether theyre high on sumthing( no offence rakel...)cant stand ails what do they do??they stick their less than purrdy faces rite up in mine and screech GOOD MORNING!!! and continue to do so until i acknowledge their inopportune greeting...oi vey...i am a lot of fries short of a happy meal and darn proud of it...i have nuthin against happy people..if i did..rakel and shal would be wandering around in oblivion by now...(no offence to either one of y'all) other news...its still cold...but groundhog day is four days's hoping that spring brings better weather...aside from pleased to report that i am dreadfully overweight...i can barely fit thru doorways as it is...i will soon hold the tsunami inducer world record..and there is nuthin y'all can do about is with the utmost regret that i inform y'all that the damned winter vacation starts somewhere mid december...i will try to wheedle my way out earlier if possible...maybe if i put in overtime in summer...hmmm....roast to death while studying physics in summer...or freeze to death,study physics and miss the company of my insane comrades as well??
this is a tough one...
the fairytaler at 5:02 PM
Saturday, January 21, 2006
40 of 100 things/adjectives and such...
so here i go...leaping onto the andwagon..part research to discover my inner self...part severe boredom...part me being an utter idiot...why oh why?- i miss home...and evryone there...literally evryone...
- my biggest fear is being abandoned and alone...
- but im not a people only really open with my close friends
- i read the print on evrything....shampoo bottles, nutrition facts on the back of food boxes,dosage information on medication...u get the hint...
- i wish i had the time and the patience to sit through a manicure...
- u can tell i've been wrestling with a tough math question when my hair's all over the place..
- i fidget a lot...
- i talk to myself all the time...i tell myself jokes,give myself advice and yell at myself...the thing is...i laugh at the jokes i tell myself...i debate the advice given...and make up excuses to escape getting yelled my own circus...
- when i was 9, i idolized the spice girls....
- now...i wonder why...
- i think my name isnt nicknames r more me...
- not many people can get my name rite....
- i never want to grow up...
- i have commitment issues...
- i do believe in the existence of true love...if only in movies...
- i hate cabbage....and tomatoes...the big ones...i like cherry tomatoes...
- i do not believe in Pumpkin/Valentine's Day...i think that its just a way for florists and chocolatiers to rob dumb people blind...
- i absolutely adore orchids..but i dont have any because i managed to kill a cactus..
- i am terrified of flappy pigeons...and chickens...
- i reaaaallly reallly want a pair of manolos...
- i shall one day live in new york and totter around in manolos and have purple streaked hair....yup..yup..
- when my friends or family are around me and someone else comes up to me and says something...i usually dont hear it...or i dont get it right..i just assume someone else is doing the listening for me....
- i almost always come up with smart ass retorts waaayyy too late...and then i feel bad...
- I feel embarassed for fictional TV characters when they make mistakes or humiliate themselves. I usually change the channel.
- when watching hindi movies...i stop watching the movie when it starts getting sad...or i skip to the happy bit...
- because of this..i have never seen the end of devdas...or main prem ki deewani hoon...
- i have a morbid and sadistically mean sense of humour...
- garfield is my idol...
- i am the biggest most spoilt brat in the world..though i'd never admit it..
- i give people nicknames...all the time....but..for the zillionth time..i did not..repeat..DID botak chin...
- i wish i had a talent...any talent...
- i cant stand being mediocre...
- i usually never rest till i am completely satisfied with whatever im working a perfectionist that way..
- the hard bit is getting started...i am queen procrastinator...
- i want to get into photography and develop my photos n my own dark room...
- i absolutely loathe smokers...i wish those who have such inclinations would just go suck on some car's exhaust pipe...
- i am always late...and im always rushing..doesnt matter how early i start always in permanent rush mode...
- i think i am fat...but right now...i just dont give a rat's ass...
- new favourite curse phrase is rat's ass...dont ask...
- my favourite piece of art is van gogh's starry night...
to be continued....lil mini series of my life...
the fairytaler at 11:33 PM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I AM MY OWN CIRCUSand with this supremebeallandendall proclamation supremely proclaimed...
i shall take my supreme self and go do the supremely sucky homework that has been bestowed unto the supremeness that is me by some people la...
the fairytaler at 8:05 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
to pong : they killed jingga??!!
awww we lost a few hundred times...doesnt mean they have to shut jingga down....has the world lost its mind??what on earth is the teletubby doing??whats she downsizing for??cant she downsize her girth before anything else??anyways...did u guys manage to get any pics of val while the "whaddaya mean.where's my king?" expression was on her face??dang...i always miss the good stuff...
i miss u guys too....the auntles here are not unfriendly...but theyre not u guys...theyre a's a bit of good/unfortunate information for y'all to have nightmares about during the coming months...i might be comin home in december...yay me! o.u., believe me...u r sorely all...stuck in the one level malled tundra called canada...*sniff..sniff*
and now...i leave you to my kitschy taste in blog deco....
feast your eyes upon...
You are a City Girl! |
![]() Whether you live in the city or not, you've got the heart of a city girl. You're up on the latest trends - what's hot in music, food, and fashion. And you love to be on the go. Your perfect day is filled with tons of fun. Your perfect guy is a city guy, so head to LA, NYC, Sydney, or London to find him! |
the fairytaler at 7:24 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
i can walk wei....
guess what extraordinary thing i did today??guess...guess....i walked all the way from king george home...all ten blocks of it...yup..yup...and now my calves r killing me for it...dumbass...cannot wait in skool ah?? if i go on at this rate, my legs will get fed up of me and run ...owh wait..sorrie...walk very very slowly away from me and leave me lower from now onwards..if i choose to scoot towards u instead of walk...dont stare at me like im nuts..stare at my legs..they made me do it...also...people on the road now think im nuts...they actually slow down to stare at me as i mutter to myself...they think i've got a split personality a way theyre kinda rite..which other dimwit debates walking versus public transport to themselves aloud while on a train full of sane,mentally and emotionally stable people?? hear ye ..hear ye...i am my own circus...u have been warned...honestly what do they think im talking to myself about??certainly not about daisies and rainbows and violently green busy cursing myself..."yea la..stoopid girl..think ur some kind of super hero ah?? wanna walk so walk la..on the soggy side of the highway with mud up to your ankles..walk la now...cannot wish for anything else la..condemn yourself to walking...eeejit.."
i am now completely insane...and squirrels are mean to pedestrians...
the fairytaler at 2:03 PM
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
oi vey..
i went to skool for the first time in 4 months yesterday...anyone whose soft heart this lil pice of information has pierced..feel free to buy me a pair of condolence shoes...that way i'll be convinced that y'all being my adoring and devoted subjects really,truly do feel my pain here...dont roll your eyes, not done yet...i still havent told u what a truly enlightening experience my first day has been...allow me to revert to gushing inarticulate omg-y insanity to tell u bout this blessed occasion...- val, pong,pohz,shal,rakel....all of y' MEEEEEE!!the people here are all auntles...for real...the dudes here are a gabillion times taller than i could even wish to be and theyre all old looking...they have beards...and multiple holes in their faces besides the ones god bestowed them...they look like ornamented swiss cheese...and they scare me...theyre worse than all the interact installation uncties and auntles put a nutshell...theyre big mean looking exhaust fume inhaling ogre type people with beards...and theyre supposed to be sixteen??maybe they were held back a few hundred years..
- i now know that my brains have rusted and seeped out of my ears...(how exactly is that possible) i know nothing of the math i spent the whole of last year doing...bu wait..i have a valid excuse...speedy stole my books...yup..yup...
- me, trains, and early mornings make for a disastrous combination...(i take the skytrain to school)...and for some reason those people who give out free newspapers outside the staion seem to get great joy out of trying to stick the aforesaid newspapers up my nostrils as i pass by...i think that they think that its their new game...evrytime i pass by the stinky newspaper grazes my nose...i have paper cuts on my nose to prove it...
the fairytaler at 9:50 PM