Wednesday, January 11, 2006

i can walk wei....

guess what extraordinary thing i did today??guess...guess....i walked all the way from king george home...all ten blocks of it...yup..yup...and now my calves r killing me for it...dumbass...cannot wait in skool ah?? if i go on at this rate, my legs will get fed up of me and run ...owh wait..sorrie...walk very very slowly away from me and leave me lower from now onwards..if i choose to scoot towards u instead of walk...dont stare at me like im nuts..stare at my legs..they made me do it...

also...people on the road now think im nuts...they actually slow down to stare at me as i mutter to myself...they think i've got a split personality a way theyre kinda rite..which other dimwit debates walking versus public transport to themselves aloud while on a train full of sane,mentally and emotionally stable people?? hear ye ..hear ye...i am my own circus...u have been warned...honestly what do they think im talking to myself about??certainly not about daisies and rainbows and violently green busy cursing myself..."yea la..stoopid girl..think ur some kind of super hero ah?? wanna walk so walk la..on the soggy side of the highway with mud up to your ankles..walk la now...cannot wish for anything else la..condemn yourself to walking...eeejit.."

i am now completely insane...and squirrels are mean to pedestrians...

the fairytaler at 2:03 PM

1told tales


at 6:43 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

okie.... maybe i shouldn't have tagged about that 'limbs' bit..... hope you'll be able to hang on to the ones you've got till we can all chip in and get you a bike or somthing. still better than walking, right? the uncles and aunties st your school can't be that bad.... can they? i understand how u feel about the whole 'everyone's taller than me' thing though. at the prs 'welcome to sri aman' thingy a girl stared at me and asked how NOT to be my height when she gets to my age.... yeeevill girl.... every single person has to rub it in some way or the other (bear with me, i'm feeling persecuted here....). and val introduced herself as Queen, as usual. 'noe what they asked? where's the king..... hehehehe i'll leave the look on her face to your imagination.... it was priceless.

and i'll deny that i ever passed the message on (i have a reputation as a cruel fiend to keep), but you are missed. don't know if being missed by a bunch of weirdos counts for much, but there you have it....

we'll see what we can do about the condolence shoes bit.... no promises though, ppl at customs'd probably steal them.

ps shal got made secretary of red house (everyone got shifted round. jingga's dead)


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