Friday, May 19, 2006

oh the world is a cruel place...

not a fitting title...cos..nothin mortally evil has befallen me today...YET...unless you count a horrific bio test to which i owe a grand total of 5 hours of sleep over 2 days...yay me...on the upside..for those of you who give a rats ass...the weather looks good...cross all your crossable bits and pray that this weather winter wear is rapidly disentigrating...yup..yup...

i have absolutely nothing of consequence to i'll shut up...

the fairytaler at 2:44 PM

0told tales

Monday, May 15, 2006


Preeti Bariana --


A real life muppet

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Which freaky subway person is Preeti Bariana?

The guy who keeps screaming that the end is near (which is even funnier when approaching the last stop).
'Which freaky subway person are you?' at

the fairytaler at 9:54 PM

0told tales

Friday, May 12, 2006

and i digress. not really..but its a nice thing to say...

and here we are once again at the brink of the deep chasm that leads to the oblivion that is boredom...-ism..-ism..-ology...-ology and all that jazz..yea..been trying the intellectual thing for some time now..gotta tell y'all though..its not exactly my niche...and i've done something horribly terrigible...see...this one absentee classmate of mine asked me whether there was anything to be done for the following days class...being the kind and helpful individual that i am..i told her la...the only problem is..(dont laugh or i'll smack y'all when i get back...)i only told her half of it..cos i am a forgetful twit..and the half that i didnt tell her was the half that was on the surprise pop quiz...OH YEA...repeat after me..aiyamstooopid....and now i feel awful..but i cant bring myself to go apologize cos my chicken self is too afraid that she might sock me in the face...once again...ladies, gents and assorted carbon-based life forms...we have the appearance of my irrational fear of pain...which is quite debilitating needless to say...

if y'all didnt manage to get the underlying information that is tersirat in the post..lemme spell it out to y'all nice and clear...

which isnt really anyone's fault but my own...its not like i dont have things to do..far from it..its jusz that..none of what i have to do is what i want to do...and im an insomniac...and i have sleep apnea...however the heck you spell it...but despite my life threatening condition..i am a grateful and merry soul...
and i bid you adieu...

the fairytaler at 12:09 PM

0told tales

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


y'all will be pleased to know that i am out of my oh-im-so-old-i-should-die funk...and a result of my mid-teen crisis...i have red hair...say it with me everybody..oi vey.needless to say my very easily scandalised extended family was just that....SCANDALIZED BEYOND ALL REASON....some auntles actually swooned...not with a sudden surge of love....but with utter disbelief that one of their own could have committed such a sin...(for those of you unaccquainted with the rules of being the perfect punjabi are the basic guidelines...

  1. must be quiet...seen and not heard...
  2. respect elders even though they criticize everything...from your unconditioned your lack of culinary skills...
  3. be the filial daughter...scrub off all aunties' and uncles' warts and suspect abnormal growths without so much as a whimper...if you will be deemed an ingrate and will forever be subjected to reproachful "oh-how-could-you?" stares...)there you have it...the basics of being the proverbial apple of the family's eye...

not that i would ever consent to being the apple,orange..or durian of anyone therefore here i am...the red sheep of the family...

i wonder what they'd do if they knew my original plan was to get a tattoo....hmm...

no time like the present to find out...BAhahahahahaha...


  1. despite the overwhelming urge to test the limits of my family's tolerance of my "madness"..i dont really think im gonna go get a pain threshold is very low...i flinch at the thought of having my knee scraped...i avoid tarred roads when wearing shorts...i stay away from rough textured get the idea...
  2. my dad said that i can live on the balcony if i get a tattoo...he's gonna get a ladder -step installed just in case i carry out my "crazy teenage antics"...
  3. oi vey....
  4. photos of the swooning and close ups of hair and potential tattoo designs to follow...
  5. those quote..unquotes.. are actual excerpts from the lenghty speeches..*coughnagginglecturescough* lovingly bestowed upon me by my esteemed elders..
  6. see...i my best with the respect thing...

the fairytaler at 11:16 PM

0told tales