Thursday, September 29, 2005

you wouldnt believe....

honestly, i have no idea what going on right now..why??..i'll tell you

1. i've quit the realest sense of the phrase
2. the maid has gone home....i have no clue about the burdens of hsekeeping
3. i'm hanging around the house..packing..which is a ginormous undertaking...especially since i have to downsize 16 years worth of junk into 4 crates...
4. just plain confused

to be honest ,its been quite a long while since i've actually felt this cluless..evryone's got their own lives to deal with right now, so i cant go around unburdening...

damn karma...if i knew it was going to screw me up so..i'd have never believed in it in the first only exists if u believe in it after im in too deep to unbelieve..

deep breath....inhale..exhale...i can deal...I WILL SURVIVE...i think i can..i think i can...

im blogging to reassure myself that i can deal by talking to myself as if i were the little red engine...oh my giddy positively insane...

on the not-so-dull side of things bordering on the incredulous (at least for those who know me)....i actually partook in the general kitchen-ly duties today..i also came *this* close to actually doing my own laundry...something i havent done since...well...forever...see...i can deal..yes i can..

the fairytaler at 12:06 AM

0told tales

Sunday, September 25, 2005

yay template..finally found something i like...YAY me...lets hear it once again..YAY MEEEEEEE!! yup..thats about all i have to say...uhuh...okay...i'll be going now...anytime soon...k..rite.......NOW! okay maybe i'll just sit here and stare at the screen till the muses return with my writing mojo...never mind..they've been gone since last tuesday, i doubt they're returning anytime soon...
dang those unreliable muses!!

the fairytaler at 11:17 PM

0told tales

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

not so shabby....

if i do say so from school today thanks to pa's bellisimo neverending supply of m.c.s...but honestly, i am ill...really,truly ill i couldnt make it to school today...yes..that ill i am....convinced yet?? nah..who am i kidding?? i am a big fakey liar...but right now an ill big fakey liar...time for updates...

  1. i have a new scam...okie fine...miss obesity(she's going to clonk my head with a nine iron) and i have a new scam....heres the interesting bit...the scammee is every bit as cunning as the scammers...maybe even more so...but since i am the alpha and the omega..the be all and end all supreme ruler of the universe and all its little insignificant contents...i shall emerge triumphant...i am beyond positively sure about this one...
  2. the results for the most inopportunely timed test in the entire world have been handed over....and i can now say with absolutely no hesitation and fear of being smited....that god has apparently gone on a vacation....probably to the galapagos or something...i prayed and i prayed and i prayed...and then i prayed some more...but did my itty-bitty prayer request come know why?? cos god's taking a break...was a string of a's and b's too much to ask for??honestly...sometimes i jusz feel like going up to the POWERS-THAT-BE and confronting them..." yea...yea..i'm talking to you....lets take it outside" *cue: evil sneer and twitching vein next to eyeball*
  3. gone around the bend much?? i was possibly the most furious...fumingly...ifyoupeopledontfindmybookwhichyalllostinthefirstplaceimgonnakillyall..sort of friend yesterday...but once again..i have an explanation for my murderous tendencies...i was PMS-ing...yes i was...contrary to popular belief my pissed off face is not the only expression i own..i also own a blur face( which i use most of the time),an ihateyousogoaway face,an ohmygodtherescake face (which i reserve especially for my calorie laden trips to secret recipe) and my superior imthealphaandtheomegasocowerinmypresenceyouinsignificantcreatures face(which i use sparingly due to unfounded rumours circulating that i am the world's biggest snob)...
  4. p and m are okie for now...and when i say for now.. i mean this very second...this very moment..because unbeknownst to the ginormous population of this war three,four,five,six,seven, on and so forth have been erupting in the fairytaler household since the effervescent one (read : me) was born...
  5. but nevertheless..cake and icecream shall prevail...the meek shall inherit the earth and kfc will stop butchering harmless little mutant chickens for financial gain...mark my words....vegetarianism is the future...

now...where did i put my cheeseburger?

the fairytaler at 12:17 PM

0told tales