Thursday, April 06, 2006

very..very the happy...

well...sorta...skool's out!! okie im telling y'all a partial lie..whaddaya gonna do?i have physics till vasakhi...yup..sucky..but its not like theres anything too pleasing about vasakhi here anyways....


uhem ahem..uhem...
  1. the people here have seriously diseased heraing faculties...the like the tang-a-nang-a-nang type of bhangra...u mr.starry pajamas in verr zaara...(or maybe u dont) but anyways...visualize a grown man jumping about..whooping and shouting..arams and legs flailing in a ll directions like a very tipsy windmill...yup...see what i mean?
  2. meethai here say he elast..meethai meaning sweetmeats...usually giant clods of barfi...barfi being a sort of milk cake...normally in msia..we'd go to jai ind and get the low fat,almond encrusted variety...but where the heck am i gonna get it here la???!! the ones here smell like cow...literally...
  3. we get to the heart of the matter...there is absolutely nothing that they sell here that i would even consider my own funeral...30 years after im cremated...ever in my after life....its all bright and garish...its like they want your outfits to be able to double up as your uniform should you apply for a job as airport groundstaff on the runway....what a blindingly neon,sequinny lunatic employee you'd make....the planes will probably internally combust at the sight...
  4. no punjabi friends that is...and im not quite sure that i want any....the ones here seem to come with an extra instinct....matchmaking...they'd matchmake scampering squirrels if the squirrels werent such giant vicious rodents....
  5. this is jusz completely random....a puddle found me the other day and wet my books...yes..puddles have it in for me...its a mutiny...i dont think they agree with the POWERSTHATBE's decision to extend my term as hujan hooligan....damn these politics....

in other news...i want a muffin...

and thats all the time we have for today...join me again the next time i blog on a whim....

the fairytaler at 12:28 PM

0told tales


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