Saturday, October 08, 2005
my oh my..
i am here once again..wondering why is it in the first place that i own a blog..actually 2...i've been pondering this ever since i set up the first one... whenever i come to a dead end, i usually erase evrything and start all over..its the same in everything i do..from blogs..and now i cant help wondering whether i have the same attitude when dealing with i honestly that callous and merciless in my relationships with others??val asks me this one question time and time again..." omg, why on earth did you even bother signing up for prs in the first place??" usually thats followed by a disappointed head shake or a more agressive retort of " take your ugly self and put it outside"...yes,my friends are the bee's knees when it comes to being friendly...they're so friendly they'd probably shoot you on sight...and when they realise you're not a convicted felon...they'll probably blame you for dressing up like one..or alternately..they could also blame you for impersonating a moose when it is clearly moose hunting season...uhuh..all this under sri amans one decrepit little poor..poor nonexistent heart bleeds for you...
guess what? my phys ed teacher think that im morbidly obese...yup...and as a treat..she was gonna let me be the first person to bless the new *ahemhandmedownahem* gym with my bodily produced version of holy water...ergo..sweat and toil on either the rickety bike that threatens to fall apart at the mere hint of being touched or the trampoline which which was used by methuselah when he was but a wee lad...
such an honour...and all for lil ol me.. still my beating heart...
the fairytaler at 9:00 AM
- at 10:04 AM the fairytaler said...
damn comments