Thursday, February 23, 2006

i am invisible..u cant see me..

you cant see me...i am not call upon me for you cannot see cant seeee me....OH OKIE you can see me...just pretend you cant and we'll all be stinky i'm stuck like a shmuck...i hope you're happy..cos im sooo case y'all are wondering what im babbling about...DONT..cos i aint gonna explain pulse rate is too fast and i think my head is gonna have physics this blessed afternoon...P1= -P2 just in case y'all forgot...

wanna hear the randomest quote of the week?
well i dont really care.ima gonna tell y'all anyways...

p=mv...ride your own bicycle..

the fairytaler at 11:59 AM

0told tales

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


there i said it...i've been wanting to say that for days on end...finally..i ve gotten it out of my i return to normality..whatever that is...i've been making drafts of posts for so long but since blogger developed an unhealthy hatred for me and began deleting my drafts...i am now here with a big muddle of thoughts i'd like to tell y'all but my inarticulateness amazes me beyond reason rite now...what was it i was going to say??owh yes..pumpkin day..field day for scammers the world over...but since that day has passed me by without so much as a squeak...HAPPY BELATED PUMPKIN DAY y'all...*pfft*...*confetti all over and all that yutz*hope y'all had a good one.. my unfortunate self and i only had the royal pleasure of sitting through math and english and counter nothing...dont get me wrong..i knew it was gonna be dull here...but i was thinking..moo-cow-meese dull..not dustball-whoosh-goes-the-prairie dull...owh well...i'll jusz go back to watching the grass grow..maybe then i'll make friends with a ladybug and become queen of the fairybugs...bahahahaha...nothing can stop me NOW...owh wait...lit presentation tomorrow...bugs...await my next proclamation..for now..just be...

the fairytaler at 9:31 PM

0told tales